Welcome to Hämeenlinna
If you're new here, we're glad you've chosen our city. This page is made to help you feel at home in Hämeenlinna. We share simple tips and useful information about living, working, and enjoying your time in our city.
Welcome to Hämeenlinna!Housing
Easy-to-understand advice and essential information on finding a home in Hämeenlinna. Discover tips on searching for housing, understanding different types of homes available, and getting to know the areas of our beautiful city.
Housing and environmentStudying
Welcome to study in Hämeenlinna! Did the school doors open yet? Or are you still thinking about applying to Hämeenlinna? Check this page for the tips and information about the student life in our city.
Student´s HämptonLooking for a job
If you need a job in Hämeenlinna, this page can help you. We share easy tips and important information about finding work in Hämeenlinna. Here, you can learn how to look for jobs, understand what jobs are available, and find out who can help you.
Jobs and enterpriseInternational Service Centre
Multilingual service offers advice on everyday matters, such as: living, working, studying, forms and applications, and free time activities.
International Service CentreInternational business advisory services
Are you thinking of starting a business in Finland or are you already an entrepreneur and you need guidance concerning your company?
International business advisory servicesHämeenlinna City Main Library
Welcome to the main library in Hämeenlinna! In this video, we will show you all the essential services available here, from book borrowing to digital resources. Discover cozy reading areas and workspaces. Whether you are new to the city or just visiting, the library offers a warm and welcoming space for everyone. Explore, learn, and enjoy all that we have to offer.
Hämeenlinna City Main LibraryLearn the Finnish alphabet
MyIntegration.fi has released a new course that can help you to easily learn the Finnish alphabet online.
The Finnish alphapetParks and outdoor spaces
Here are some simple ways to find fun things to do in Hämeenlinna.
Parks and outdoor spaces in HämeenlinnaTips for living
Here, you'll find advice on almost everything from navigating local services to understanding cultural norms. Learn how to make the most of your experience in Hämeenlinna, from shopping and transportation to finding local community groups.
Hämeenlinna TOP 10